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Achieving Excellence for Every Child, Every Day.

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.



About the PTA

Wickham Common Primary School's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is actively involved in the life of the school. All staff, parents, and carers at the school are always welcome to attend meetings and get involved in social events and fund-raising activities.

The object of the PTA is to advance the education of the pupils at the school in the following ways:

  • By developing effective relationships between the staff, parents, and others associated with the school;

  • By engaging in events and providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

  • Helping ensure that the children have fun and enjoy their time at Wickham Common through social events and other PTA sponsored activities.

The PTA is a registered charity (registration number 1044371). The PTA Committee, which includes parents, staff, and governors, is elected by members annually and is responsible for decisions relating to the Association and its funds.

The PTA's Constitution, which is approved by the Charities Commission, is available below.

Getting Involved

All classes in the school have parent volunteers who act as Class Representatives. In addition to providing a vital link between parents, staff and the PTA Committee, the Class Reps keep other parents informed of PTA discussions and decisions and help to organise PTA events and fund-raising activities.

As a Charity and voluntary Association the PTA can only achieve as much as the commitment of its membership allows. We invite all parents, carers and staff to consider getting involved and helping in whatever way they can to help us support Wickham Common.

Contacting the PTA

If you would like to get more involved with the PTA or would just like to know more about who we are and what we do, please either email us directly at or contact us via your Class Reps.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Law

By now we are sure you will be aware that on 25 May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law comes into effect. We are committed to ensuring that we comply with the GDPR provision and Data Protection Act 2018 when it comes into effect.

We have put together a new privacy notice that clearly sets out how we collect and process your personal data, for what purposes we use your data, the legal grounds of processing such data, how we keep your data secure and your rights in relation to such data.

By joining or remaining on our list, you will receive:

  • Monthly newsletter
  • Notifications about upcoming events, information, and opportunities
  • Occasional surveys
  • PTA vacancies